Tuesday, October 11, 2011

BC: Jobs' words

When Steve Jobs was 17, he read a quote that says something like, "If you live each day as if it was your last day, someday you will most certainly be right".
Since then, he looked in the mirror everyday and asked himself, "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do?" This innovated him which changed his living habits to be a more useful person. And whenever the answer has been "No" to many times, he know he needs to change something.

I think Steve Jobs is correct. Not only that quote is inspirational and gave Jobs a goal for living everyday, but we should use that quote as a model and goal to live everyday too.

I'm reminding myself of his words every morning. (Even though I would not go to school if it was the last day of my life, but I still need to follow my normal schedule.)
His words do innovates me by being as happy as I can and do things that I'm happy about.

We don't know what would happen tomorrow. Maybe an earthquake will occur, or maybe a tsunami will happen...etc. Who knows?
Plus, you would not even know if you can finish your day. ( But of course, we would not want that to happen).
There are too much that is happening today in the world. And maybe the 2012 world disaster comes earlier and everyone will die soon.
No matter how rich you are, or how special you are, you will die. someday. Then why not do something you are happy with, or do something that would make it special like it is your last day?

"Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose".

Life is surprising. And as I already said, we can die tomorrow, and might not even get a chance to finish today. We should not leave anything is regret and not finish, before we get sorry to the point ,and before we can take the last breath.... Who knows right?

"You are already naked. There is no reason why not to follow your heart."
There is no reason to hesitate and think when you are coming to face something that looks small, but would make difference no matter. Just follow your heart. We should always keep in mind that life is precious and we should appreciate we can live another day.

I read something on the web the other day which says something like, " A lot of people lost Jobs this year. But now, we all lost Jobs."
It is sad that we lost Professor Jobs, but actually it might be a good thing for Jobs because now he does not need to face all those pains that he carried for years anymore.
I don't really know what advice I can give to people, but if you live happy  it is worth it.

We will always keep in memories that this genius inventor which brought us  the i-pods, the i-pads, and the i-phones...etc today. His inventions gave us a better way of living and a simpler uses of the personal technologies, and it made our livings more entertained along the way.
We should always keep in mind of his inspirational quote to us and the world, so we can live today like it is our last day, so we can also make the big choices in our life.

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