Wednesday, October 19, 2011

CE: Education in Asia

Asia is renowned for producing some of the best and brightest students in the world. Such academic achievement is often underpinned by parental pressure, strict discipline and relentless hard study.
 In Asia, education is not as free as we have in the Americas. I mean by 'free' is like free extra times, and kids here are not as stressed. Every student's  schedule are pretty much filled and full with extra curriculum classes, tutoring programs, sports, and some lessons that they take. It does not mean that they are not smart so they have to take so much classes, but it is for their own knowledge and mostly because parents are also very strict about their educations.

In Hong Kong or China Mainland, school works and studying are very tough and stressed. The kids don't have much free time as we do here in Americas, and they always studies their butts off like until ten o'clock at night.Kids in Hong Kong or Asia  regularly are in the top global rankings for math and science subjects.

Kids are mostly stressed under all those school works, and parental pressures. Kids don't have to go to schools that are near their residence, but they are assigned to go where depending on their rankings and grades that the school likes to accept them. About 60% of students, did not get to college after their three years in high school, and they are off to find a job or going to community colleges.

There has been some cases to some students that commit suicides because of all those hard studying, and  pressures that they get from parents and themselves.They are obsessed with perfection in their knowledge.

 I feel sorry for those students in Asia, and we really don't have the ability to whine over studying and works here in America comparing to kids in Asia. 

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