Thursday, October 13, 2011

RE: I need a break too.

As I was browsing through some blog posts, I decide to write about this one.
For this week, I will do a response post on Angela Zhou's post, I need a break.

It is the seventh week of school. My tiredness almost takes over all of my other feelings. I lost all the motivation for going to school and doing my homework.  
One day of school feels like months for me. [So sad...]
It is just the seventh week of school, which school has not even past a quarter yet...
When do we break or holidays again, so we can have a day off of school?

I feel so stupid in math class. Everyone can understand the concept of everything, even without the teacher explaining it. Everyone looks like they have known all those things since last year, or already known it since a long time ago...
I am afraid to raise my hand to ask questions too, because I will look more stupid and embarrassed in front of the whole class.
I wonder why are they so smart, and I am like the only one who is clueless and so slow in learning :(

Time passes and everything feels so slow for me.
I don't know why I don't have the motivation to go to school anymore.
Everything seems to be so long. And I am having difficulties to pay attention in class.
I wish I could just get the assignments done without having to listen to the teacher talk, and get everything done.
I am getting more lazier and lazier now these days :(

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