Friday, October 7, 2011

FREE: The Weather

Fall has finally arrived, which I am actually not very excited about.
Even though we are already lucky that we don't have to face disasters like storms or tornadoes, like in other states or countries, but I don't like rainy seasons and I  hate the cold weathers too.

For me,  I hate the cold wind, and I just really dislike the environment that makes me feel tired and sleepy!
The rain especially, really irritates me which reminds me of sad things in the past.
There's no place fun to go to either, and I don't like the feeling of being wet when I am outside like when I am in school.
I tries to be happy and go with the mood, but it is really hard for me.
Everything seems very slow moving, and things are feeling tough to do...

The dark grey sky does not  look happy either :(  
I wonder why is the weather here so weird this year?
Some days, it rains really hard for a few minutes, and after I get my umbrella out, the sum comes out shining for a while again the next seconds...

My grandmother used to tell me the sky is sad, so it's crying when it is raining, which also makes me sad and wants to cry too...
Especially these couple of days, the rainy days made my days go more longer and feels more sad...
I hope the sun comes out soon, so the weather becomes warmer and my mood would be back:)

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