Wednesday, October 19, 2011

FREE: The Drill

On Tuesday October 18th, I participated in the lock down drill that happened in school. About seven hundreds of students participated, and it made a mess.
In my opinion, I think it was dumb. Not because of the drill, but all the extra works that should have done in a better way, and all the times that we waited for. If it was not for the twenty community services hours and it will be stated in the transcript, I would not have done it. I do kind of regret because a lot of my friends were already out of school, and I am still in school sitting in a classroom for two and a half hours FREEZING. And now, I am sick :( 

First of all, I think passing the name tags out to everyone should have done a faster way so we did not have to sit in the Kofman Auditorium. They should have just got everything already set up and ready, so they can give it to us when we sign in the first time with the room number that were assigned to us. It took another forty five minutes listening and waiting for our names to be called, and going up the stage to get it, which made a lot of confusions too. Then, a fire department officer fianlly came and made a speech or something. I remember he said this drill was planned for over a year. [?!?!?!?]

So after the speech the fire department officer made, I thought the drill had finally started. So everyone went to the room they were assigned, and half an hour later, the drill finally started. There were some people acting they were injured or killed which was kind of funny because of the make ups they had on.
Unfortunately, I was assigned to the last class to leave campus after two hours of sitting on the cold floor and doing nothing. I bet if a lock down real happens in school, it will take forever and someone might already got hurt because they were so so so so SLOW.!!

We finally got released by the police after two and a half hour later, and finally leaving the campus. There was another fifteen minutes waiting for the school bus to come pick us up to the base again.
When we got to the base, we waited for another half an hour to be picked up again, and heading toward the O'club to find our parents.

All those extra works should have done better, so it did not have to take so long, and we could have finish the drill in its own plan and on time.


  1. I heard about this! I didn't participate, but it sounded kind of boring...

  2. YES!! I regret going to itD;
    IT was DUMB!
