Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RE: Don't Waste.

After a lot of thinking I felt really bad for wasting that chunk of rice. Even though it was not so big i thought it was a waste. - Julie Le, Don't waste it
 As I was browsing through some blogs, and finding some responce posts to write for this week, I decide to choose one of Julie Le's post about wasting foods.

There is an old saying in chinese, which says " every piece of rice, is from hardworks and sweats". It might sound disgusting to hear, but it is true. It takes a lot of procedures and hard works just to make a piece of rice out from the monocot plants, and true the process of making it into real piece of rice by a machine.

Rices are pretty much grown in Asia because of the hot climates, and large plains.
The worst part for the farmers is the weather. They already take a long time, and hard works just to grow it and sometimes, unfortunantely all the plants  gets  destroyed because of the monsoon times of the year, and it might even rain for months unceasingly. Or, either it gets very hot during the summer and have droughts.

My mother taught me and always reminds me ever since I learns how to eat by myself to not waste food and must finish the whole thing if possible. There are lots of people in the world today, like in Africa, people are in great hunger and they get sicks because they don't get the nutrition they should get everyday. Some people gets a fat tummy not because they are full, but because they are so hungry that they are suffering  a disease called Kwashiorkor, due to an extreme lack of proteins. It is so sad to see those African children on televisions that are suffering all these things at their age.

We should all appreciate what we already have now, and always remind ourselves how hungry those peoples are, and we should't  waste any foods.!!!!!

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