Wednesday, September 21, 2011

BC: In The Darkened Room...

Winter break is almost over. In fact, the new semester is starting tomorrow. As I am heading toward the east building for my new dorm, I walked through a garden with beautiful pine trees and bushes.  The new environment doesn't seem like all the rumors that I had heard about it like its haunted, or people are crazy there... is true.

I observed the front of the house, there's nothing wrong with it except it's old.  As I tried  to open the front door, the door was hard to push and made a loud creak sound and a weird feeling starts to appear. I guess I'm just over worried about the rumors and stuffs that I have heard. I studies the house and counted  how many rooms are there by just one look. The first floor is the lobby, and there are 4 chairs in the middle surrounding a small table with mainly rule books and school information placed neatly on the table.I slowly moved all my luggages and stuffs up the floor. I walked down the hallway on the second floor, searching for my room number, 214. I found it, it is the fourth room from the end of the hall.

I went in the room and unpacked everything. As I sat down on a chair in my half of the room, I found a school paper that stated "Welcome to your new house. As a friendly reminder, every student must return to their own room before 10 p.m...Welcome back to St.Brooklyn University."  I checked the desk  in the other side of the room that belongs to my room mate which I haven't met yet, but I didnt see one on her desk. What?! 10 p.m? Are you kidding me?!

I quickly placed everything in place and headed to a party in my old dorm house. The party began and everyone had a fun time.  I told my friends about my new dorm and they told me new rumors about it again, and ask me to move back here. Every time I talk about the East dorm house, theres always some new rumors that comes up.

The party went on until the old chimes clock ringed when it strucked at eleven. I had too much fun that I  totally forgot about the "return to your dorm by 10" policy. Oh well, I dont think anyone would be back at their rooms by 10 anyways, so I'm just gonna leave it. Its been a long time since having a reunion with my friends ever since winter break started.  After the countdown for the new year, my friend drove me back to the dorm.

 It started to snow again and the cold air froze my runny nose. No lights were turned on and its so dark that I couldnt see anything clearly. I got to the door and reached for the keys in my purse. I was so quiet that I can hear myself breathe. The front door was actually unlocked, and the light wasn't turned on at all. It is so dark in here that I can't even see my hands. I stood in front of the lobby for a few seconds trying to get my sight back and see through the dark lobby. I reached in to my purse to find my phone for flashlight, but I accidentally dropped my keys. I knelled down to pick them up, but it wasn't there. I'm starting to get scared and I'm feeling some goosebumps . The cold floor felt so cold that burned my finger like touching dry ice. I used my foot to try to find it, but it wasn't there either. It mus be somewhere near me, where else could it  be?

I crawled down to the floor and searched for it. Wasn't there some chairs here before I left  from the place it should be that I estimated? It was empty. I saw a glow of dim light of my key chain from the stairs. I don't know why it's on the first step of the stairs, but I'm too afraid to think about it now. Is there someone behind me?  My hands starts to get colder and colder as I feel the weirdness from somewhere. I slowly walked up the stairs to my room, and it took me like ten minutes to finish the stairs. Gravity seems to pull me down. Where is my room? There were no lights at all. I'm starting to wonder if anyone has gone home yet, or are they all in beds already. The whole house was silent. So silent that I feel frightened. Where is my room? I feel the cold air pasting through me while just standing there. The feeling of this hall feels like Great Wall of China. Am I in the wrong building? Is anyone here?

I really want to cry right now. I'm so frightened and cold. My hands are shivering like its vibrating in my pockets. I am so tired right now that my eyelids are so heavy it will close at any minute. I leaned on the cold rocky wall, it feels like a freezer behind my back. Where is my room?! I can't see the exit anymore. Am I trapped here?! It feels like something is pulling be down from leaning. I'm too tired to stand back up. It darkened again. What's happening???

"Ahhhh...!" I screamed to the top of my voice and sat up. I can feel its bright now. I slowly open my eyes. Where am I now? What happened to me? What is this place?!
My hair is all wet. I didn't recognize where I am at until I saw my bags and one of my shoe is upside down.
I need to catch a breath and calm down before get up. Its all gone. I'm not in a darken trap place and my coldness of my whole body is gone.
Finally, my nightmare is gone and my new day is just ready to begin.

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