Friday, September 9, 2011

RE: A response to Gigi Zheng's post

I know spiders are good for the enviroment and all, but they just scare me.
 This is my first response post. I was just looking and reading some of the posts that other students wrote and something popped up as I was reading Gigi's "I am Deathly Afraid of Spiders" post.
 I totally agree with this. I hate SPIDERS. Spiders are soooo ugly and just really freaks my out!

So, on Labor Day, my family and I went to my cousin's house down in Sunnyvale to barbecue and there were some of her friends too. It was pretty hot that day, so we decided to go swimming at the pool.
When I got up to the surface of the water with my goggles on, I saw a big spider floating in front of my face!!D:
AHHH..!! I was so freaked out and without a second, I jumped out the water and SCREAMED!!
Every one else turned and looked at me like I was crazy. So EMBARRASSING, but fortunately they are my families and friends. But still, made me looked crazy and stupid in front of all these people..

I was frightened to go swimming again after until I had my cousin to clean the pool again. But it took a while to clean...
Gladly she didn't get mad at me because she has to serve so much people and also helped me clean the pool again until nothing was in the water. Not even a piece of dust! xD
Then I got to enjoy my rest of the day! ~~

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