Monday, September 5, 2011

BC: Let me introduce myself first...

First, let me introduce myself to all of you whose reading my blog first. My name is Aili Sun, fifteen years-old this year and I'm a sophomore in Alameda, California. This is my first time writing a blog actually, which I'm not  really familiar with, but I will keep blogging since it’s my homework too.

I live in a small town called Alameda in California, but California is actually my second home. I was born in China, so my first language is of course Chinese. I can speak both Cantonese and Mandarin. My mother and I immigrated to the U.S eight years ago when I was seven. It was a total new start of life for me and my mother when we first moved here.

Language, transportation, laws, and everything were different from China, and we had big difficulties to learn and get use to the things we were unfamiliar with. But fortunately, some of our relatives helped us to settle everything first. When we first came, I had to separate from my mom and live with my aunts for six months because I had to go to a school that would accept me as a new immigrant. I only see my mom ones a week. Those days were really foreign and tough for me and my mother. I always miss my family and want to move back to China.

The environment made me be an independent girl . I can never forget the tough first few years until I start to learn more English and get use to this lifestyle in America.
Dont get fool by me because I dont really speak much and Im pretty quiet in class, I like to talk a lot outside and I have a passion for music, especially vocal. My grandma told me whenever I get shots when I was small like at the age of  three, every other toddler in the hospital will cry and scream, but I would yell and sing my voice out to cover the pain. I really love singing and I guess thats just me.

 When I was in the fourth grade six years ago, I got selected from the school choir called “Purple Silk Orchestra and Chorus” which they recorded a CD and I got to participate in the NBA game to sing the “Stars Spangled Banner” for the Houston Rockets and Warriors at the opening of the game in the Oracle in Oakland. There were thousands of people watching that night, and the applause from the audience was so touching in my heart. That night felt like a dream come true, which I’ll never forget that moment also.
   First, I have to admit writing is kind of a problem for me. Since English is my third language, my writings are sometimes hard to understand and my grammar is bad too.  My writing goals for the year are to improve my grammar and to write in a convincing way. I want to become a better writer so my writings are not as boring and will entertain people in a way.

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