Friday, September 30, 2011

The Meaning of Humanity.

What does it really mean to be human? What is the main goal to live as human?
...This is a tough question. There are no real answer to this since it is a broad question, and there are infinite answers that can explain what a human being is. What is the main goal to be living on earth? To be a human being?

Apparently, Humans are somehow greedy; greed for wealth, greed for power, and greed for their own benefits.
But what is that greed all about?
In my opinion, even though greed is also one characteristic of humanity, the main definitive characteristic of a human being is LOVE. To show love. To give love. and To express love.
Everyone in this world, no matter who you are, needs love.

Why do humans greed for power?wealth? benefits???
People are complex and selfish. It's natural that we try to gain power, so we can live in a better place or situation with our love ones. We tries to give our loves ones more and better of anything when we have power. We tries to buy them anything when we have wealth. We tries to buy happiness, and which hope to bring them happiness. We human beings, also greed for benefits too, for our own personal goods and for our love ones. We tries to make them feel special by having more benefits that can bring them happiness and to show much we love them.
But without love, all the greeds of powers and wealth are worth nothing.

Even though we tries to be fair and nice to people, we humans are selfish. You might not be always selfish, but when something comes that you have to choose from the one or the other, most likely you are trying to save yourself than another person first.

Love can be our main goal to be living on earth, and being human. For example, people cheats on love. Even though monogamous is a part of law, but there's  probably one out of three people that will end up having problems in their marriage. It is pretty common now.  You might call them a bastard, or a cheater,  but is this really so?  Have you ever think what makes up the problems? ......
 I see and hear people all the times saying they hate their Ex, or saying that they hurted them or something, but is that really true? Did they really hurt you?!

I think of love in a postive way and pretty straight forward. Humans seek for their right ones and tries to find the love that they expect whom to be. And there are no right or wrong in relationships. It is not like all the problems are caused by the opposite side...
Have you ever think why they hurt you, or left you? We humans are probably going to blame on the other person most likely. But dont you think the reason why they hurted you is because you can't give them the love that they want? You can't bring them the happiness that they expect to have when being with you?
This is crucial, but that's just the real truth behind all the lies in love. It is part of life.

Love not only can be marriage or boyfriends or girlfriends, but  can also be from our family. Humans need  shelters, and a home and a family that can give them support. Support is a kind of  love too. It is the most stable love you can probably find because my families will not likely to hurt you.
When I'm down or feel like a failure, I go to the people that can give me the kind of love I need. They will give me the support and encouragement that will  get me stand back up and get on my knees again to start climbing . It's not the same love that your boyfriend or girfriend can give you, but it's the love that your family can give to you, for support and structure. No matter how independent or strong, humans wants something that they can rely on sometimes. Families are the kind of love that ensures you are not alone, and they will never betray you.  There is always love for you to have when you go for it.

Humans are born with sincerity and actually very fragile. We always expect and want someone that we can fall back on. Our emotions shows everything of a person's real personality, and we can get hurt really easily. Most of the times, it's all because of love. Love is powerful, undefined, and maybe bitter-sweet in some ways.

Love is equal, and undivided. No matter how rich you are, what race you are, or where are you from, love won't be lessened nor increased. It only depends how much you give in, or have you met the right person yet. It doesn't always have to be real relationships, but also showing how much you care for something or someone does makes a difference. For example, doing community services is a kind of way of showing compassion and  how much attention you pays to the world and community. Every human being needs cares and helps from other people's, or else the world would be very cold and hopeless. We should reach out our hands to show love to the world, and make the whole world united.

The whole meaning of life is to find love, and love can bring us happiness. I see some old seniors sometimes, still holding hands with their partner, slowly walking and holding each others hands tightly. No matter how slow they walks, no matter how the weather is beautiful or not, they are still holding hands and just in love like back in their young ages. It doesn't really matter if the world is going to end tomorrow or not, they will not be frightened because they already found the true meaning of being a human, and living on earth.  Love can hold people together, and we humans are made of love from our parents, and families too.

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