Thursday, September 8, 2011

CE: We Will Never Forget (9/11)

Remember what happened 10 years ago in New York City that made HUGE changes to the world?

well...honestly, I have to admit I don't remember much because I was still small. But I remember watching the news during dinner time with my family and hearing the adults saying, " Oh, this is SERIOUS?"
It is like watching a disaster movie like 2012, but watching in the news and all of a sudden, i see the big buildings collapsed.

Lets rewind history back to 10 years ago...

It was just probably a normal Tuesday morning in New York City, while people might just have left their house and got to work. The day probably just started as usual and no one knew that those unfortunate ones never got the chance to return home again. Then later on, tragedies happened that made changes to the world today.

On that morning, 19- al Qaeda terrorists hijacked 4 passenger jets, and crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Wide Center in New York City, and both towers collapsed within the two hours. The first  hijacked planes crashed American Airline Flight into the World Trade Center's North Tower at 8:46. A lot of innocent people died that day, and the whole New York City were messed up.  Not only the people who were in the tower died, but also the innocent passengers that were suppose to fly for vacation or their destination.Then later on, the other planes crashed again to the other side of the towers...

Not only the buildings were destroyed and about 3,000 people died, but also the lives of people and the economy of the world had changed. Some people got sick because of the huge smoke and pollution afterward.

It is heart breaking to hear and to remember what happened in New York City, even though it already passed a decade, and the anniversary is coming up this Sunday. This tragic event will not be forget, and there are still some people today that is still living with fear that affected them today. 

The whole world will be mourning and remembering this date that made big changes not only to the United States, but also for the world too.


  1. Did you remember that information or did you look it up before writing this post?

  2. I did a little research on it,but mostly I just heard my cousins from new york talking about it
