Friday, September 23, 2011

RE: Cry Baby

 Crying feels good when you want to let personal thoughts that no one knows, out of you. But it's usually better to cry in private because you wouldn't want people to start getting wrong ideas.
As I was looking though other classmates's posts,  I really agree with Bridget Kim's  Crying doesn't always makes you a baby post.
Its really natural for girls especially to cry. Its just human nature, and we all have feelings. I seriously doesn't get why how some people calls others a "cry-baby" when they are crying. I mean, come'on! It's not like you've never cried before! Why do you have to make a comment behind people's back when they are feeling down?!

It comes to a situation for me once when my tears starts to come out when the teacher asked and consoled me about the lose of my family. My tears just starts to fall down the minute she asked because I didn't want to think about it. I don't blame the teacher because I know she's just showing sympathy and caring for me.
 I went back to school the next day feeling not too happy about it, since I just lost a precious family member, and I hear this person behind me "whispering" in a loud voice, saying " gosh, why is she crying?... Grow up already!"
Seriously, that's just not helping at all! I mean, SHUT UP and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!!!!
I don't want to be mean and I am usually a pretty nice and calm person ( I should say), but I just really want to yell at them at that moment!

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