Wednesday, September 14, 2011

RE: I'm Still Young

Have you guys ever been asked what you wanted to be when you grew up?
I was reading some of the blogs other classmates wrote, and Sharon Wong's I'm still young blog caught my attention .
My mom always ask and warn me, "How are you doing in school? Please be responsible for your own future!"

 I live in a strict family, and most of my family members is educated to at least  high school graduate. My grandpa is a retired English teacher and my aunt is a kindergarten teacher. My mom expects and gives high hopes for me since I'm the oldest child in my family, and she want me to find a good job that's not painstaking like hers. Her job is a waitress captain in a restaurant in Oakland. She works a lot of hours but salary isn't too much.

 I understand why and how she's worried about me in school and my education, but she gives me too much pressure sometimes.Most of my cousins got in to UC Berkeley, so she wants me to get in to Berkeley also.
She started to ask me what I want to be when I grow up, and where do I want to go to college ever since I was in elementary. Please mom! It's WAY to early to talk about this stuff!
I'm not saying that planning for the future is not right, but giving me so much pressure won't help me in school either.... in fact, I'm still young.

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