Friday, September 9, 2011

FREE: Hold On...

He once told her he will love her.
He once told her he will hold on to her. 
He once told her he will change to be better for her. 
He once promised her he will never let go of her. 
And yes, he did change and worked hard from a 2.0 to a 3.0 gpa as he promised to be better for her. 
She did believed in him.
She did fall for his words. 
She did only focused on him. 
She did many things that made him happy. 
And yes, She fell in love with him . 
He kept his promise as what he told her at first. 
He kept contact with her every night and day. 
He kept his patience for her while she's busy. 
He kept his phone near him, waiting for her to call back. 
And yes, he kept his love only for her. 

She heard he's busy on his own. 
She heard he's hanging out with his friends. 
She heard lesser of the ringtone calling from him
She heard his voices and words lesser and lesser.. 
And yes, she heard some of his attitudes had changed, but she didn't want to listen to what her "devil" side is telling her. 

He forgot what he promised her at the beginning, 
He forgot to call her at night and kiss her goodnight
He forgot to wait for her when she's busy, or maybe he just didn't want to wait. 
He forgot to text her telling her he missed her, or maybe he just didn't . 
And yes, he forgot she's still waiting for him, and she's waiting for him very painfully. 
She once told herself he will come back.
She did cry at night when she waiting for his phone call, but he's asleep. 
She kept telling herself he's just busy, and it happens to be a lie for herself. 
She heard a lot of comments and suggestions from friends and people, but she didn't care and ignored. 
She forgot the taste of her old days when she's alone, because it was too sweet when she's with him. 
And yes, she has feelings too. She's tired of waiting and crying alone by herself. 

He once was lost in love , and he's her dream come true. 
He did do the things he promised, but didn't last forever
He kept thinking simple,and believed she's fine with it. 
He heard people asking about her, but just briefly answered and turned away. He stopped and hesitates. 
He forgot she's been waiting for his call all day, and forgot she had wings too.
And yes, he broke her heart, and she flew away.
He only left her with fading memories and a scar in her heart. 
He's too late to hold on to her now. 


  1. nice poems ^^
    it describes so much that are true

  2. Are these original? Because they definitely seem Tumblr-worthy. I think its a good thing, haha. Keep it up!
